In Christ we have become God’s special possession. We exist for Him and His glory. We have become this because God in His sovereignty has predestined us to this end. As a result of knowing the God who controls all things and what He has done for us through the Cross we can trust Him. The more we know of His character and love for us the more we will enjoy him. The more we enjoy Him the more His name will be praised. This is the chief end of man, and this is why he has made us His. To enjoy Him and glorify Him. As a result of being God’s special possession, we have an inheritance to look forward to. He has given us His Spirit as a guarantee of this. Yet, we will ultimately obtain this when He completes his redemption of us and we inherit heaven. There we will fully enjoy God for all of eternity.
God’s eternal purpose has always been to accomplish redemption. Before the foundation of the world, God the Father planned this. And at the cross, Christ accomplished it. Those who are united to Christ by faith presently have this redemption. This consists of freedom from the guilt of sin and freedom from sin’s mastery. We once were enslaved to sin but have been redeemed through Christ’s blood. This was previously a mystery. But at the cross, it has been revealed. What happened there was the focal point of all history where God sums up all things in Christ. Christians are to praise their Triune God for accomplishing this redemption and walk in light of it.
God’s Word gives us a picture of the New Heaven and New Earth. This is where God will dwell with His people for all of eternity. There the effects of the fall will be done away and the world will be renewed. We can trust this is to come because God who is sovereign over all of history promises it. This is promised to those who persevere and should motivate us to do so.
Everyone understands a parent’s natural affection for her child; also the beauty and usefulness (for multiplying and filling the earth) of romantic love, but it seems that very few moderns recognize the value of genuine friendship.
True spirituality manifests itself in certain dominant desires. These are ever-present, deep-settled wants sufficiently powerful to motivate and control the life
Caz Church seeks to be above reproach in our stewardship of God’s financial resources given to the local church. We maintain an open book policy and choose to hold quarterly business meetings where all members can attend and have access our to financial information.