Food Pantry
Every 3rd Tuesday of each month in the back parking lot there is a food pantry. This Food Pantry is operated by the Genesis center but please free to contact the Church with any questions.
Student Ministry
ILLUMINATE is a youth ministry designed for grades 7-12. We meet Wednesday’s from September-June. Come join the fun, as we equip and encourage teens to spread the light of Jesus Christ! There is no Youth Group in July & August
Worship Service
Every Sunday, people from our community gather to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We sing together, pray together, and learn together. Worship is contemporary; dress is casual. Please come and join us!
Men’s Breakfast
On the second Saturday of every month, the men at Caz gather together for food & fun, but also for a time of discipleship so we can grow as men of God. See you then!